Are There Mice In Your House?

If there are mice in your house, you could be facing a major problem. For every mouse you see scurrying along the baseboard in your kitchen, there may be many more living in small spaces in your home.

That’s why it’s very important not to wait when you suspect mice in your house. Call Heath’s Wildlife Service immediately. Chris Heath knows what to do to rid your home of mice. And he’ll give you a free, no-obligation estimate. All you have to do is call him at 855-422-0434 or 603-664-0513.

Why are there often many more mice you can’t see in your home? Mice reproduce year round. That’s 3-5 pups in each litter and 5-10 litters every year! From just one mouse!

This could lead to an infestation in a very short period of time.

Mice in your house are seeking food, water, and warmth. They can live off almost any food and just a little water. In their search for food, they tend to destroy much more than they consume.

Also, mice can carry several viruses and many bacteria that are harmful to humans. Probably the most frequent is food poisoning due to their excrement contaminating the food in your house. Ring worm and fleas can also be spread by mice.

In addition to health problems, mice also can cause:

  • damage to wiring
  • structural damage due to chewing
  • damage to your air conditioning system
  • chewing damage to electrical wires, potentially causing house fires
  • damage to insulation, attics, and furnaces
  • a flea infestation, which can lead to fleas and tapeworms in your domestic pets


How do mice get into your home? Pretty easily as it turns out.

They only need very small spaces to enter your home. As small a space as the diameter of a wooden pencil may be all that’s needed. And if there are mice in your house, they’re hard to get out.

Chris Heath at Heath’s Wildlife Service can get them out of your home and seal up even the tiniest opening so they won’t get back in. Some of these potential re-entry points are so small, they’re easily missed. Chris’ experience in construction enables him to know where to look for these possible openings.

So it’s very important for you to call Chris right away. Set up your free, no-obligation estimate for ridding your home of mice. “Quality service done right the first time” is Heath’s Wildlife Service’s slogan.

And he means it.

Call or contact Heath’s Wildlife Service today for a free, no obligation estimate.

Toll Free (855) 422-0434
Local (603) 664-0513

Heath’s Wildlife Service
P.O. Box 284, Barrington, NH 03825